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Showing 1-10 of 16 titles.
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Visions of the Crow

“Your ancestors have called us to help you.”

“I think y'all have the wrong number.”

Damon Quinn just wants to get through his senior year unscathed. His mom struggles with alcohol and is barely ...

Amo's Sapotawan

★ Starred selection for CCBC's Best Books for Kids & Teens 2023!

Rocky Cree people understand that all children are born with four gifts or talents. When a child is old enough, they decide which gift, ...

The Gift of the Little People
A Six Seasons of the Asiniskaw Ithiniwak Story

I don’t recall seeing books when I was a little boy. But the old people, they grew up listening to stories. And so, every night, when the old people were done their evening prayers, they would sit and ...

Pisim Finds Her Miskanaw


NOW REVISED! This edition features updated Rocky Cree translations and an expanded glossary, augmented with new maps to give a more detailed look at Pīsim’s journey. These enhancements make this book ...

This Place
150 Years Retold

By Kateri Akiwenzie-Damm, Sonny Assu, Brandon Mitchell, Rachel Qitsualik-Tinsley, Sean Qitsualik-Tinsley, David A. Robertson, Niigaanwewidam James Sinclair, Jen Storm, Richard Van Camp, Katherena Vermette, Chelsea Vowel
Illustrated by Tara Audibert, Kyle Charles, GMB Chomichuk, Natasha Donovan, Scott B. Henderson, Andrew Lodwick, Scott A. Ford, Donovan Yaciuk, Ryan Howe, and Jen Storm
Foreword by Alicia Elliott
Categories: Young Adult Fiction, Historical, Canada, Prejudice & Racism
Big Ideas: Aspects of Indigenous Cultures, Potlatch, Spirituality and Ceremony, Storytelling and Oral Culture, Traditional Art, Traditional Foods, Traditional Medicine, Worldviews, Teachings, and Protocols, Authentic Indigenous History, Contemporary Setting, Diverse and Inclusive Representation, Depression and Suicide, Indigenous Veterans, Social Emotional Learning, Courage, Death, Grief, and Bereavement, Emotions and Feelings, Friendship, Kindness, Mental Health and Well-Being, Respect, Responsibility, Self-Esteem and Self-Reliance, Social Justice, Citizenship and Social Responsibility, Discrimination, Family Separation, Foster Care and the Child Welfare System, Genocide and Cultural Extinction, Impacts of Colonization and Colonialism, Indian Act, Prejudice and Racism, Residential Schools, STEM, Ecosystems, Strong Female Characters
Cultures & Peoples: Anishinaabeg, Cree, Inuit, Kanien’kehá, Kwakwaka’wakw, Ligwilda'xw (Southern Kwagul), Métis, Mi’kmaq (Mi’gmaq)
Indigenous Languages: Anishinaabemowin, Cree, Plains Cree (nêhiyawêwin), Dene, Inuktitut, Kanien'kéha (Mohawk), Kwak’wala, Pacifique Mi’gmaq (Mi'kmaw), Words or Phrases

Explore the past 150 years through the eyes of Indigenous creators in this groundbreaking graphic novel anthology. Beautifully illustrated, these stories are an emotional and enlightening journey through ...

Awâsis and the World-Famous Bannock

During an unfortunate mishap, young Awâsis loses Kôhkum’s freshly baked world-famous bannock. Not knowing what to do, Awâsis seeks out a variety of other-than-human relatives willing to help. What ...

Nimoshom and His Bus

In this warm and joyful picture book highly recommended by Debbie Reese, children learn Cree from Nimoshom, their school bus driver.

Based on the author’s memories of her grandfather, Nimoshom is not ...

Will I See?

May, a young teenage girl, traverses the city streets, finding keepsakes in different places along her journey. When May and her kookum make these keepsakes into a necklace, it opens a world of danger ...