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After the events in Wounded Sky, Cole and Eva arrive in Winnipeg, the headquarters of Mihko Laboratories. They are intent on destroying the company once and for all, but their plans are thwarted when ...


“The ending. so unexpected that readers will eagerly anticipate [the] third volume. ”—Kirkus Reviews

Cole Harper is struggling to settle into life in Wounded Sky First Nation. He may have stopped ...

What is Truth, Betsy?
A Story of Truth

Miskwaadesi is learning so much in school. She is learning about the world she lives in and what it means to be a part of it. However, when her class learns about the teaching Truth, Miskwaadesi doesn’t ...

Misaabe's Stories
A Story of Honesty

Misaabe tells great stories—stories about saving a city from giant green trolls, reading supersonic books with x-ray glasses, and how his dad is a secret agent fighting bad guys, and that’s why he ...