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Showing 1-8 of 8 titles.
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Little by Little
You Can Change the World

Michael might be young, but he’s got a big heart and a strong sense of right and wrong. He knows it’s right to help people when they need it—but what can he do when so many people need help?

When ...

The Bee Mother

Learn about the life cycles of different kinds of bees in this enlightening picture book.

As flowers and trees begin to bud and bloom, Nox Ap, the bee mother, emerges from her winter sleep. To the Gitxsan, ...

The Raven Mother

★ Starred selection for CCBC's Best Books for Kids & Teens 2023!

Hoarders. Scavengers. Clever foragers. Bringers of new life.

Ravens have many roles, both for the land and in Gitxsan story and song. ...

The Wolf Mother

Follow along as award-winning author Hetxw’ms Gyetxw (Brett D. Huson) introduces young readers to a pack of grey wolves. New pups have just begun to open their eyes, one of which is a striking black ...

The Frog Mother

To the Gitxsan of Northwestern British Columbia, Nox Ga’naaw is a storyteller, speaking truths of the universe. After Nox Ga’naaw, the frog mother, releases her eggs among the aquatic plants of a ...

The Eagle Mother

Return to the valleys of the River of Mists with author Hetxw'ms Gyetxw (Brett D. Huson) and his award-winning, richly illustrative Mothers of Xsan series.  

“An incredible celebration of the deep connections ...

The Grizzly Mother

Book two in the award-winning Mothers of Xsan series, The Grizzly Mother uses striking illustration and lyrical language to bring the poetry of the Xsan ecosystem to life.

To the Gitxsan people of Northwestern ...

The Sockeye Mother

To the Gitxsan people of Northwestern British Columbia, the sockeye salmon is more than just a source of food. Over its life cycle, it nourishes the very land and forests that the Skeena River runs through ...